Paradiesler - Brassica oleracea convar. capitata
ko92 (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata)
Savoy cabbage. Loose flat-roundish head, leaves finely curled, for autumn harvest. Not a long-keeping cabbage - best eaten soon after picking. Depending on size of heads, can tolerate frost to -8°C. Sow mid- June.
ProSpecieRara: This variety has been awarded by ProSpecieRara as a rare or old variety. ProSpecieRara is a foundation dedicated to preserving the diversity of rare plant varieties. In long-term cooperation with ProSpecieRara, Sativa is active in the important preservation and cultivation of these traditional varieties.
Conservation Breeding: For this variety Sativa practices conservation breeding in Rheinau. To ensure high-quality varieties, they must be maintained. They are regularly replicated and selected by their positive characteristics. In doing so the varieties are continually improved and adapted to growing conditions.