Monarch - Celeriac
se12 (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum)
Variety which gives large, heavy white bulbs. Ramains white even after cooking. Good for storage. Somewhat susceptible to Septoria leaf spot, but fairly resistant to rust.
Sowing calendar
Primed seeds: During priming, the germination process is activated for faster and more uniform emergence. The priming effect is only maintained for a few weeks. This seed should be stored cool (approx. 5°C), dry and dark. The primed seeds in our range are primed using a biocompatible technique.
Conservation Breeding: For this variety Sativa practices conservation breeding in Rheinau. To ensure high-quality varieties, they must be maintained. They are regularly replicated and selected by their positive characteristics. In doing so the varieties are continually improved and adapted to growing conditions.