Milk Thistle - Silybum marianum
hp68 (Silybum marianum)
This biennial purple thistle with a very attractive leaf rosette grows 1 to 1.5 m high. The colorful petals can be used to add color to salads. Milk thistle seeds are used in naturopathy for numerous liver problems.
Sowing calendar
Hortus officinarium: The non-profit association Hortus officinarum has been committed to the maintenance and breeding of medicinal plants using bio-dynamic methods. The aim of Hortus officinarum is to provide high-quality varieties of medicinal plant species from top sources – pure lines and with strong vitality.
Bee-friendly: This plant has a good nectar or pollen supply, which is especially good for honey and wild bees, as well as other pollinating insects. There are 500 different kinds of wild bees alone. Some crops are best approached by specialists, others by generalists.